# Getting started

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# Introduction

configuration-parsing helps you loading, parsing, and validating your configuration. This package aims to create a workflow to manage all your application's configuration no matter what format or source you are using.

# Simple example

For example, you can load, parse and validate a json configuration file as following:

import { fromLoadable, loaders, parsers, FileLoaderOptions } from '@configuration-parsing/core'
import { joiConfigurationValidator } from '@configuration-parsing/validator-joi'
import Joi from 'joi'

type MyAppConfig = { /* fields */ }

const appConfigSchema = Joi.object(/* your schema */)

const configurationFactory = 
    // Load from file system
    fromLoadable<MyAppConfig, FileLoaderOptions>(loaders.file())
        // Parse using JSON.parse
        // Validate with the passed joi schema

const myConfiguration = await configurationFactory.create({ location: 'path/to/my/config.json' })

# Architecture

This package is split in 3 main components:

  • ConfigurationLoading is in charge of loading configurations from various place using various protocols.
  • ConfigurationParsing is in charge of parsing configurations, each parser know how to parse a specific configuration format.
  • ConfigurationValidation is in charge of validating parsed configuration. This component makes sure that the configuration is valid.